Constitution (Ratified 28th of April 2016)
The name of this organization shall be Microbiology Graduate Student Association (MGSA).
The purpose of the MGSA shall be to promote the interests of microbiology graduate students and to provide an avenue of communication with the faculty.
- Membership shall be limited to regularly enrolled University of Georgia graduate students in the Department of Microbiology.
- The MGSA shall not require any dues or payments from members.
- Membership shall not be denied to any person because of age, ethnicity, gender, disability, color, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
- Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status.
- Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students as stated in the University of Georgia Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
- The office of President shall be filled by a member from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The duties of the President shall be to carry out business at all MGSA meetings including election of new officers, to coordinate graduate student hosts for the departmental seminar series, to ensure selection and invitation of a seminar speaker on behalf of the MGSA for upcoming departmental seminar series, to introduce on behalf of MGSA the invited seminar speaker, and to assist in recruitment of new graduate students to the department. Vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of a new President.
- The office of Treasurer shall be filled by a member from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to ensure that MGSA is registered each year with CSO and apply for fund from Franklin College. Vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of a new Treasurer.
- The office of Events Chair shall be filled by a member from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The duties of the Events Chair shall be to host receptions on behalf of the MGSA for graduate students completing their studies in the department and help coordinate department-sponsored events including the holiday party and REU ice cream social. Vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of a new Events Chair.
- The office of the Recruitment Chair shall be filled by a member from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The duties of the Recruitment Chair shall be to help coordinate recruitment weekend as well as organize the new student welcome reception in the Fall. Vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of a new Recruitment Chair.
- The office of Faculty Liaison shall be filled by a member from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The duties of the Faculty Liaison shall be to attend all departmental faculty meetings, to represent the interests of graduate students at departmental faculty meetings, and to report business of interest to MGSA. The Faculty Liaison shall also act as the Graduate Student Association (GSA) Representative. The MGSA GSA rep shall attend all GSA meetings, to represent the interests of the department at GSA meetings, and to report business of interest to MGSA. Vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of a new Faculty Liaison/GSA Representative.
- Removal of an Officer may be brought to vote by any member which must then be seconded. A simple majority vote of all present members will result in the removal of the Officer. Unless an immediate replacement is elected, the existing MGSA Officers may appoint an eligible temporary replacement until a new election is called to fill the vacant position within two weeks.
Regular meetings of the MGSA shall be called at least annually for election of new officers. Special meetings of the MGSA can be called for by the President anytime a need arises. All members must be duly informed of any meetings of MGSA.
Participation in the organization is on a voluntary basis. However, a quorum of four (4) of six (6) officers is required to transact MGSA business. If the quorum requirement of four officers is not met, the Microbiology Graduate Coordinator and/or Department Head will need to hold emergency elections within two weeks, of falling below the officer quorum, to fill all vacant positons. If vacant positions cannot be filled, MGSA shall be disbanded.
The MGSA shall amend this constitution by a simple majority vote of present members on a proposal to amend and then a second simple majority vote of present members on the final amendment.
The MGSA shall ratify this constitution by a simple majority vote of present members.
Any funds obtained from the student activities account and lab manual sales that are utilized by MGSA must be coordinated with the undergraduate microbiology association officers. If no such undergraduate association exists, elected MGSA officers collectively have final discretion over usage of funds received from the student activities account and lab manual sales.
The election of new MGSA office holders shall be by nomination of any eligible member, confirmation by a second, and selection by public voting, with winners determined by simple majority of present members and a run-off in the case of a tie.
In the event an officer is unable to fulfill his/her elected role, the existing MGSA officers will appoint an eligible temporary replacement until a new election is called to fill the vacant position within a reasonable time period.
Students present or absent during MGSA elections may be nominated for a position only if permission by said individual is granted to a meeting attendee. Self-nomination is acceptable. If an officer’s position is not filled by nomination and election, a second election will be held in two weeks from the original election. Failure to fill the vacant position by an eligible Graduate Student after the second election will result in the disbanding of MGSA.
MGSA officer positions shall be filled by 1 or more members as elected during the annually required meeting or through appointment as designated in Amendment I. Officer positions being filled by more than one member will be titled as co-chairs of that office.