Before the semester begins, you will need to find and secure a spot in a lab with a research faculty mentor. To make the process easier, we recommend you follow the steps below: Make a list of labs in which you would like to gain experience. Visit the Microbiology research and faculty pages for ideas. Other departments can be eligible as long as the project is microbiology in nature. Note - If you are a Double Dawg, you must identify a Microbiology department-affiliated faculty member to mentor your research. See the list here for other potential departments. Contact the labs in your list by emailing faculty to see if they are accepting undergraduate students. Keep in mind that faculty are busy too. If they don't reply within 3-5 days, you can email them again with a polite reminder of your first email. See suggestions on how to contact faculty here. Make arrangements to meet with the faculty member face to face. If the faculty agrees to accept you for directed research for credit, be sure to get a description of your potential project or at least a summary of the type of research conducted by the lab. Fill out the MIBO Research Course Request Form. You will need that project description to finish filling out the form. Note, if your research faculty mentor is in another department, they may ask you to fill out an additional research approval form. Your research faculty mentor will be contacted by the Microbiology office to fill out a separate approval form. Once your faculty mentor submits their approval form and your research has been reviewed and approved, you will be contacted via your UGA email with the CRN for the MIBO 4960R/4970R/4980R course you requested. Please register for 4 credit hours before the end of Add-Drop. Note: if you are working with a faculty member outside the Microbiology Department, you may be asked to register for your research course with a different prefix (e.g. IDIS, EHEC, etc.); be sure to contact the corresponding department to request your course as the Microbiology office can only create MIBO courses