***Important International Shipping Information Update***
An International Shipping Review is required for ALL international shipments. You must obtain approval prior to submitting a shipping request. Please plan your international shipments a few days ahead of time as the International Shipping Review will take at least 1 business day to complete. See additional information below.
FedEx/UPS Domestic Shipping Instructions
- Email microinfo@uga.edu to let us know you will be sending a package and then complete a the Shipping Request Form.
- Same-day shipping requests should be sent before 12:00 pm.
- We will email you a shipping label that you will need to:
- Place in clear envelope
- Affix to the package
*Shipping supplies are located in room 330J, Cedar St Building C. REMOVE or mark through any old labels, bar codes, addresses, etc. on your package
Package Pickup Options
- Take your package to a FedEx/UPS Store
- Leave your package at the Microbiology pickup location outside of 330J, in the designated location before 1:00 pm. Your package will not be picked up if this option was not chosen at the same time shipping label was created.
- NOTE: The drop box outside of the Chemistry building has been removed.
Email microinfo@uga.edu for assistance with Dry Ice or International shipments.
**Click here for shipping request form**