Responsibilities: Involvement in the MPA program requires you to commit to attending 3-5 class periods throughout the semester to help facilitate and guide student groups through a case study assignment. This includes attending a pre-class meeting to review the case study with the instructor, attending the class time, and providing feedback to the instructor after the activity has ended. We also have three large group meetings throughout the semester for professional development, socialization with other peer assistants, and relationship building with the instructors.Eligibility: To peer assist for MIBO2500, you need to have taken MIBO2500 or MIBO3500. To peer assist for MIBO3500, you need to have taken MIBO3500.Selection: Your application will be reviewed by the course instructors and if you are selected, you will be contacted by Dr. Julie Grainy to coordinate your schedule and orient you to the program. Please contact if you have any questions! Link to application Applications are due by May 1st