Microbiology majors are strongly encouraged to participate in undergraduate research. Students who complete two, 4-credit-hour semesters of research, 4960R and 4970R, satisfy our Intensive Laboratory requirement (Major Required I), UGA's Experiential Learning requirement, and will count towards Honors credit for those in the Honors Program. Always make sure to check with your advisor about where things will count in your degree. Aside from working in a lab, students gain the experience of writing a report that details their work. Click on an example paper: Example: MIBO 4970R Research Paper Note: An alternative choice is to enroll in MIBO 4600L offered in Spring semesters to fulfill Major Required I. Click on each link for more information How to Secure a Spot in a Lab Expectations During the Semester Who can participate? Other Potential Departments for Directed Research Paper Guidelines and Example How to Participate in CURO Symposium and Scholarships